
IBDoc®: Early Value in a District General Hospital Inflammatory Bowel Disease Service

At the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation, 13th Congress in Vienna in February 2018 Avery and Wilson of Dorset County Hospital Foundation Trust, Gastroenterology, Dorchester, UK presented the poster: IBDoc® Self-care/Point of care Calprotectin Test: Early Value in a District General Hospital Inflammatory Bowel Disease Service. This describes a study using the BÜHLMANN IBDoc® calprotectin test in comparison to a send…


Calprotectin and Clinical Correlation

Mary O’Connell née Deasy, Biochemistry Department, Mercy University Hospital, Cork In issue 2017-3 of Leading Edge, Mary O’Connell detailed her evaluation of the BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo assay on the Abbott Architect C8000 analyser in comparison to the Phadia 250 ELiA™ Fluorenzyme-Immunoassay. Data was collected from 60 patient faecal samples that were tested for calprotectin concentrations using both methods. All 60 results from the…

Cost Effective Monitoring

Using IBDoc Faecal Calprotectin Testing Post Induction of anti-TNF Therapy G. Elsafi et al. Department of Gastroenterology, Mercy University Hospital, Cork At UEGW in Barcelona in October 2017 Dr. Elsafi and colleagues published a poster entitled “Cost effectiveness of IBDoc as a surrogate marker of mucosal healing in IBD patients post induction of biological agents” This poster described their study…

fCAL turbo vs. IBDoc

Calprotectin Home vs. Laboratory Test

Mary O’Connell née Deasy, Biochemistry Department, Mercy University Hospital, Cork, Ireland The Mercy University hospital is one of the largest users of the IBDoc test, with almost 500 patients using the system to monitor their calprotectin levels. It was important to establish the comparative data between results from the patient self test and a laboratory based technology. Mary O’Connell in the…