Faecal calprotectin Home Testing

Home Testing of Faecal Calprotectin using the IBDoc™ System: A Comparative Pilot Study

At the British Society of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting in Liverpool in June 2016, a poster was presented by a team from King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. They described the results of their recent pilot study with IBD patients performing faecal calprotectin home testing using the calprotectin self-testing kit IBDoc®. Faecal Calprotectin Home Testing- Read the…

Is It Really IBS?

As reported in the Daily Mail recently, misdiagnosis of IBS can have serious consequences. Read the full article The IBS Epidemic With one in ten people thought to be affected by irritable bowel syndrome is it the GP’s go to diagnosis for any patients presenting with gut pain, bloating and diarrhoea? IBS can be triggered by a bout of food…

Hope on the Horizon for IBD Patients

Crohn’s sufferer Lee Stanley from Manchester writes about his experience of living with Crohn’s Disease for 25 years. Why he feels regular calprotectin testing is important, and the benefits that the introduction of the IBDoc calprotectin self-testing system will bring. “It’s a sad indictment of my recent health status, that the news of the launch…